I’m a kid in an adult’s body

I'm 43 years old. Yeah, I know. I worked as an actor for 20 years, often whilst 'resting', supplementing my income with murals and canvas painting. Then three years ago, I decided to toddle back to the school gates, satchel in hand, to re-train in Advertising and Brand Design at Ravensbourne. I have two lovely boys, a seven and a one-year-old. I grew up in a small Welsh town where I assumed I could anonymously paint graffiti. As maybe the only person in a 50-mile radius who practised these voodoo arts, this did not work out. My folks were hippies who marched at CND rallies in between Glastonburys. This life ensured a foundation in arts and culture appreciation as well as seeing things from a slightly different perspective from many of my peers. I was raised pre-internet on graphic novels, graffiti books and mixtapes. I fondly remember performing "Fight the Power" at the local youth club talent show with my best mate Gav in 1992. Our Public Enemy tribute act included full costumes, giant clocks and all (he was Chuck, and I was Flav). I guess a 30-year obsession with hip-hop culture influenced my own style, which is embedded in much of my creative work.

I want to learn the ropes of this industry, splattering my spray-dripped retro textures wherever the opportunity allows. I want to do beautiful misprinted executions and meet like-minded influential individuals.

What is my purpose as a designer? To help brands tell stories, visualise emotions and connect. I’d say more recently, I would ideally like to design for purpose. As a father, I see our impact on this planet and what the future looks like for my sons. It interests me to think that if the power of great design was only available to brands who show kindness and responsibility to our fragile planet, this could influence a positive change.